October has finally arrived! Here in Southern California the weather is finally starting to cool down (70's instead of the 90's or higher!), the leaves are starting to change colors ever so slightly and the Halloween decorations are making their way out of garages and into homes.
Halloween can be a fun holiday for pets & their people, but there are also some spooky dangers lurking around which can put your furry family at risk. Don't fear! Here are some simple ways you can ensure your dog, cat or other pet stays safe this Halloween season:
1) Make sure your pet has a tag/collar and microchip with your accurate contact info!
This is definitely the best and easiest way to be proactive when it comes to pet safety. Dogs and cats can escape from the most secure of yards, homes or other enclosures when they feel scared or in danger, so it's important for pets to always have up-to-date ID information on them. You can verify your pet's microchip information at your vet's office or online. Once you've done that, check to see if your pet's collar needs an update - does it fit properly (snug, but not tight) and is the information accurate? There is no limit to the amount of options out there for a pet collar, so you can have looks and function, too! Here are a few cute collar options for your dog or cat:
We have a soft spot for small businesses (we're one, too!), and we really like the variety of options ShopMimiGreen created for these buckle collars.
We also love the simplicity of these cat collars by GoGoCutePuppy - they're breakway collars to extra safe for your kitty!
2) Store all candy out of reach from your pets
Most Halloween candy and treats are toxic for pets - especially chocolate. Chocolate in all forms - especially dark chocolate and baking chocolate - are especially hazardous, and sugar free candies containing Xylitol can cause serious health issues in your pets. It may be best to keep all treats sealed in their bags and in a locked cabinet or drawer until it's time for Trick or Treaters to arrive to prevent any accidental ingestion. If you ever suspect your animal has ingested a toxic food or substance, head straight to your local vet or emergency vet hospital and also call Poison Control immediately at 888.426.4435. They will take down your information and provide you with a case number to provide your vet which will better help them treat your pet.
3) Keep your pets calm and indoors (especially if your pet has black fur!)
Halloween often brings many visitors to your door and local neighborhood, and the swarm of unfamiliar people and scents can cause stress and anxiety for your pet. If you plan on answering to trick-or-treaters throughout the night, try to keep your pet in a separate, quiet place away from the front door. If your pet has black fur, it's also a good idea to keep them indoors in the weeks leading up to and following Halloween - sometimes this holiday can bring about not-so-funny pranks or rituals which may harm your furry family.
For more info on Halloween pet safety, here's a wickedly fun infographic put together by VPI. Have a fun + safe Halloween!
